duminică, 22 iunie 2014

SPANIA - inalnire finala


The Meeting in Spain, 2-8 June 2014
The major objective of the meeting in Spain, 2-8 June 2014, was to complete the final report of the European Comenius project "Knowing the Past to Understand the Present" ongoing at the National College "Radu Negru", Fagaras. At the meeting with representatives of partner schools in Sweden, Spain, Turkey and Lithuania, the Romanian delegation consisting of five teachers and four students of the College, prepared a progress report for the period 2012-2014, a brief analysis of the final products made ​​by students and Romanian teachers, end products including:
1.      the winning book at the Contest  / Olympics "Made for Europe", 2014, held under the patronage of the European Parliament, a book entitled "Anthology of Very Short Mini Plays in English and Romanian", written by a team of 16 students under the guidance of the project coordinator, Eugenia Bica, teachers Adriana Nastasa and Alina Manduc, with a Foreword by Ph teacher Gabriel Angelescu;
2.      inter-active computer, digital lessons, done by students under the guidance of teacher Ms Dana Suciu;
3.      lesson plans and art objects made ​​in history (Mrs. Prof. Elena Micu), English (Mrs. Prof. Alina Manduc), arts (Mrs. Prof. Daniela Nanes), Spanish (Mrs. Anca Negrila), Romanian (teacher Mrs. Magda Gogea);
4.      tables, drafts, comparisons, diary pages;
5.      the blog conducted by the students of class XI B - http://cnrnkpupchronicles.blogspot.ro
6.      articles and essays published on the official blog of the project http://blog.educastur.es/comeniuskp up / college-national-radu-black /
7.      newsletters published on the school website http://www.radunegru.ro/an% 20scolar/Activitati/Comenius.html
8.      interviews on the local television
9.      papers published in the local press, in the school magazine;
10.  DVDs with sequences of the visit in Romania, October, 2013, and the competition of 10 minute plays in English, the language of communication of the project, held in Fagaras, in October 9, 2013, a competition between teams representing the partner schools;
11.  CDs with photos and PP presentations made ​​by students and teachers of the project team
12.  exhibitions in school, county and national level exhibitions where we represented the school with art works, drawings, journals, essays, etc.
The visit to Spain meant for some participants what other visits abroad meant for many members of the project: the first plane trip, the first encounter with a different civilization, strong emotions, new feelings, feeling like you're at home, among friends, but in a totally different space.
The host school, IES Valle de Aller, offered us a show of Celtic dance and traditional music - an opportunity for us to admire the Asturian costume, then they offered us local traditional dishes, area outings, trips in the mountains, a documentary trip to the mine to understand the life of Asturian miners, in addition to studies of local professions and trades done by all partners according to the objectives of the project, a visit to an ethnographic museum that could anytime be mistaken for a typical Romanian peasant museum; a cultural evening, organized with the support of the Humanitarios Society where honorary award prizes and medals were given to local personalities among whom Mrs. Margarita Gandullo Recio, our host school headmistress; an evening concert of classical music, an evening with great speeches, with films and documentaries about the fight against poverty and the isolation of victims of wars or disasters caused by humans in different parts of the world.
During this period we had the opportunity to know the Spanish students and teachers better, we met some local authorities (visit the City Hall), we visited classrooms, laboratories, the gymnasium, the school cafeteria, the beautiful library, we compared different educational systems, finding more similarities than differences, our students participating to English lessons together with their fellow Spaniards, Lithuanians and other partners. Meeting the five coordinators of the five countries participating in this project has proven to be particularly useful because we mapped directions together and concluded about all the school activities conducted in the two-year project, establishing common terms for completing the final report successfully.
We are glad that Romania was congratulated at this meeting for the activities carried out, for how we answered the requests of our partner schools, for the attitude and behavior of our students participating in mobility, for their knowledge and level of English and, why not admit it, even for the way we prepared food at the culinary workshop organized by the host school. The friendship that came up between us and our partners, between students, between teachers who participated in this project, is a great and interesting experience; when we said goodbye we had already gathered a few tears in the corner of the eyes, and hugs and promises that we would continue what we had started.
Hoping that in the future other European projects in our institution will be initiated and completed successfully, hoping that this is just a good start, we say goodbye to readers who watched the European adventure in our prestigious institution National College "Radu Negru", Fagaras.
The project "KNOWING THE PAST TO UNDERSTAND THE PRESENTis financially supported by the European Commission under the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. The information provided is the sole responsibility of the project team and ANPCDEFP and the European Commission are not responsible for how this content information is used.

                                                               Project Coordinator:
                                                                                               Eugenia Bica

Vizita in Spania, 2-8 iunie, 2014

                  Intalnirea din Spania, in perioada 2-8 iunie 2014, a  avut ca obiectiv major completarea raportului final al proiectului european Comenius “Knowing the Past to Understand the Present”, in desfasurare in Colegiul National “RaduNegru” Fagaras. La intalnirea cu reprezentantii scolilor partenere din Suedia, Spania, Turcia si Lituania, delegatia romana alcatuita din cinci profesori si patru elevi ai Colegiului, a pregatit un raport de activitate pentru perioada 2012-2014, o scurta analiza a produselor finale realizate de elevii si de profesorii romani, produse finale printre care  mentionam:
1.      cartea premiata la Concursul/ Olimpiada « Made for Europe », 2014, desfasurat sub patronajul Parlamentului European, intitulata “Mini Anthology of Very Short Plays in English and Romanian” (Mica antologie de teatru foarte scurt in engleza si in romana) scrisa de o echipa de 16 elevi sub indrumarea coordonatorului de proiect, Eugenia Bica, profesoarelor Alina Manduc si Adriana Nastasa, cu un Cuvant inainte al domnului profesor dr. Gabriel Angelescu;
2.      lectii inter-active de informatica, in format digital, realizate de elevi sub indrumarea dnei profesoare Dana Suciu;
3.      planuri de lectie si obiecte artistice realizate la istorie (dna prof. Elena Micu), engleza (dna prof. Alina Manduc), arte (dna prof. Daniela Nanes), spaniola (dna Anca Negrila), romana (dna profesoara Magda Gogea);
4.      tabele, schite, comparatii, pagini de jurnal;
5.      blogul http://cnrnkpupchronicles.blogspot.ro/, realizat de elevii clasei a XI a B
6.      articole si eseuri publicate pe blogul oficial al proiectului http://blog.educastur.es/comeniuskp up/colegiul-national-radu-negru/
7.      buletine informative publicate pe site-ul scolii http://www.radunegru.ro/an%20scolar/Activitati/Comenius.html
8.      interviuri la televiziuni locale;
9.      articole publicate in presa locala, in revista scolii;
10.  DVD-uri cu secvente ale vizitei in Romania si cu concursul de piese de teatru in limba engleza, limba de comunicare a proiectului, desfasurat la Fagaras, in 9 octombrie, 2013, concurs intre echipele reprezentante ale scolilor partenere;
11.  CD-uri cu fotografii si cu prezentari PP realizate de elevii si profesorii echipei de proiect
12.  expozitii in liceu, expozitii la nivel judetean si national unde am reprezentat scoala cu lucrari artistice, desene, jurnale, eseuri etc
                    Vizita in Spania a insemnat pentru unii participanti ceea ce au insemnat si celelalte vizite in strainatate din cadrul proiectului: prima calatorie cu avionul, prima intalnire cu o civilizatie diferita, emotii puternice, sentimente noi, senzatia ca esti ca acasa, printre prieteni, dar intr-un spatiu total diferit.
                  Scoala gazda IES Valle de Aller ne-a oferit spectacole de dans celtic si muzica traditionala – prilej pentru noi de a admira si costumul asturian, mancaruri specifice zonei, iesiri in aer liber, la munte, o excursie in mina pentru documentarea despre viata minerilor asturieni, in completarea studiilor despre profesii si meserii locale, prevazute de proiect, vizitarea unui muzeu etnografic care ar fi putut fi confundat cu unul tipic romanesc; o seara culturala, organizata cu sprijinul Societatii Humanitarios, cand a avut loc decernarea de premii si medalii onorifice unor personalitati locale intre care si doamna Margarita Gandullo Recio, directoarea scolii gazda; o seara cu recital din muzica clasica si discursuri deosebite, cu vizionare de fime documentare despre lupta impotriva saraciei si izolarii victimelor razboaielor sau catastrofelor provocate de om, in diferite colturi ale lumii.
               In aceasta perioada am avut ocazia sa-i cunoastem mai bine pe elevii si pe profesorii spanioli, ne-am intalnit cu autoritatile locale (vizita la Primaria din Valle de Aller). Am vizitat salile de clasa, laboratoarele, sala de sport, cantina, biblioteca, am comparat diferitele sisteme de invatamant, gasind mai multe asemanari decat deosebiri, elevii nostri participand si la lectii de limba engleza alaturii de colegii lor spanioli, lituanieni si ceilalti parteneri. Intalnirea celor cinci coordonatori din cele cinci tari participante la acest proiect s-a dovedit a fi deosebit de utila intrucat s-au trasat directiile si s-a concluzionat in legatura cu toate activitatile scolare realizate in cei doi ani de proiect, stabilindu-se tremenii comuni pentru completarea raportului final cu succes.
               Ne bucuram ca Romania a fost felicitata la aceasta intalnire pentru activitatile realizate, pentru modul cum a raspuns solicitarilor scolilor partenere, pentru atitudinea si comportamentul elevilor participanti in mobilitati, pentru nivelul de cunoastere al limbii engleze al acestora si, de ce sa nu recunoastem, chiar si pentru mancarea pregatita in atelierul culinar organizat de scoala gazda.  Prietenia care s-a infiripat intre elevii scolilor partenere, intre profesorii participanti este deosebita pentru ca la despartire s-au strans cateva lacrimi in coltul ochilor, s-au adunat imbratisari si promisiuni ca vom continua ceea ce am inceput.
              Cu speranta ca in viitor vor mai fi initiate si indeplinite cu succes si alte proiecte europene in institutia noastra, ca acesta e un foarte bun inceput, ne luam la revedere de la cititorii fagaraseni care au urmarit aventura europeana din prestigioasa noastra institutie fagaraseana, Colegiul National «Radu Negru».

                                                               Profesor coordonator proiect:
                                                                                              Eugenia Bica

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