Our Comenius Meeting in Lithuania is scheduled for the period 24 to 30
March, 2014 and in June , 2014, we will have the final meeting and project
evaluation in Spain.
Among the most important final products are: developing the subjects of the project, writing articles and publishing a bilingual magazine ( English and mother tongue ) on the history and culture of the partner countries, creation of a "KPUP" CD - ROM which will include activities, products and outcomes.
We shall continually disseminate project activities
and their results not only in reports to our national agency and
ministry, but also in the press and of course in our school. This blog
will help us a lot to organise our materials and ideas.Assessment and ongoing monitoring of our project are needed to
develop strategies and to maintain and develop the cooperation
between the partners involved, for other future European projects.
"Knowing the Past to Understand Project the Present" is financially supported by the European Commission's Comenius Project Program of Lifelong Learning. The information provided is the sole responsibility of the project team while ANPCDEFP and the European Commission are not responsible for the way in which this information is used.
"Knowing the Past to Understand Project the Present" is financially supported by the European Commission's Comenius Project Program of Lifelong Learning. The information provided is the sole responsibility of the project team while ANPCDEFP and the European Commission are not responsible for the way in which this information is used.
Principalele Obiective KPUP, 2014
Vizita in Lituania este programata in pentru perioada 24-30 martie, 2014, iar
in iunie, 2014, va avea loc intalnirea finala si evaluarea proiectului in
Printre produsele finale cele mai importante sunt elaborarea unei
reviste bilingve ( engleza si limba materna) referitoare la istoria si cultura
din tarile partenere, selectarea articolelor pentru publicare si elaborarea
unui CD-ROM care sa cuprinda activitatile, produselor si rezultatelor
proiectului. publicarea revistei bilingve si publicarea lor.
Mentionam ca urmarim in
permanenta diseminarea activitatilor proiectului si rezultatelor lor nu numai la
agentia nationala si minister, dar si in presa locala si bineinteles in scoala
Evaluarea si monitorizarea permanenta a proiectului nostru urmareste
dezvoltarea strategiilor necesare de pastrare si dezvoltare a cooperarii intre
partenerii implicati, pentru viitoare proiecte europene.
Proiectul Knowing the Past to Understand the Present este
realizat cu sprijinul financiar al
Comisiei Europene în cadrul Programului Sectorial Comenius al Proiectului de
Invățare pe Tot Parcursul Vietii. Informații furnizate reprezintă responsabilitatea exclusivă a echipei de proiect, iar
A.N.P.C.D.E.F.P. și Comisia Europeană nu sunt responsabile pentrul modul în care este folosit conținutul
acestor informatii.
Eugenia Bica
Coord Proiect
Eugenia Bica
Coord Proiect
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