sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2014

KPUP, 2nd Comenius Meeting in SAMANDIRA TEKNIK VE ENDÜSTRI MESLEK LISESI, Istanbul, Turkey 18th – 24th March, 2013

The Romanian Team of Nine Students and Three Teachers in Istanbul, Turkey, 2nd Comenius Meeting 18th – 24th March, 2013

Our project “Knowing the Past to Understand the Present” (2012-2104), is funded by the European Union, through the Comenius Programme for school education, Lifelong Learning Programme.

Main Aims of the Istanbul Meeting:

1. To explore the development of the teaching of History
2. To explore how History is, at once, different and shared by the associated schools /countries and how history affects cultural outlook and cultural identity
3. To discover how different cultural heritage can enhance the learning of history
4. To look at the way History can teach pupils (aged: 14 to 18) about understanding the modern world and how this can influence the future
5. To boost and to encourage communication in English.
6. To encourage the feeling of European citizenship, promoting tolerance, and respect to other cultures and countries.
7. To promote the development of contents using ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Our meeting in Istanbul had a communicative purpose, seeking to understand how people from different countries and cultures act, communicate and perceive the world around them. Our Istanbul activities included:

n      Visit of school and learning about the educational system.
n      Exhibition of drawings, paintings, stories, poems, role plays, life style compositions from the different schools partners.
n      Organization of workshops on historical discoveries, social and cultural issues
n      Students speeches on their own discoveries about History and distinction of national/regional, cultural affinities and differences of participating schools.
n      Intermediate evaluation of the development of the project.
n       Elaboration of a power point of the visit.

All the partners in this Comenius project, from Sweden, Lithuania, Spain, Turkey and Romania, adopted a historical, cultural and social approach in presenting their countries, region and school. The students prepared speeches, presentations, songs and plays reflecting traditions, customs, national identity and specific national features. Lithuania and Romania also came with a comparison between past and present events in the history of the Turkish - Lithuanian and respectively Turkish – Romanian relations.

All participating schools took part in the mobility with enthusiasm and showed competence in their research in the field of their own history and culture as well as in the history of the other countries represented in the partnership, an indicator that historical relevance, cultural heritage, and present solutions have been the core of their study.

The nine Romanian students accommodated in host families enjoyed the Turkish homes and became good friends with the Turkish students and teachers, feeling sorry to leave when the time came for departure. The Romanian teachers were also pleased with the accommodation in the hotel where they received very good treatment.

Both students and teachers from Romania enjoyed very much the company of their partners from Sweden, Turkey, Lithuania and Spain. The programme of the school activities and of the visits was efficient; the meetings were interesting and useful.  

The fruits of our cooperation are the joy of befriending new people and the new learned things that will help us to see our own culture with critical eyes.

Our Istanbul stay included visits to the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Seraglio, and the Grand Bazaar. The mosques, the palaces, the museums, the trips, the Bosporus tours etc were all full of delight and joy. We were enchanted to learn about so many cultural things in Turkey.

The Turkish people are very hospitable and friendly. We really had a very good time and I think all our partners felt excellent during our activities and visits.

Our conclusion is that we learned a lot about the Turkish culture and traditions through direct experience and observation but also through an exchange of opinions and reflections on different social, cultural and historical aspects. Through the discussion and the exchange of our Istanbul experiences among the students and the teachers from the five different schools and other people related to education in the idea of promoting cultural awareness, we consider that we achieved the aims of the Istanbul meeting.

                                    Diseminare - Intalnirea din Turcia, 18- 24 martie, 2013

Proiectul scolar multilateral Comenius, KPUP - “Knowing the Past to Understand the Present” (“Sa cunoastem trecutul pentru a intelege prezentul”), este primul de acest fel in Tara Fagarasului si suntem mandri sa il putem derula cu cinste, entuziasm dar si multa munca si responsabilitate in perioada 2012 -2014.
Reamintim ca scoala noastra, Colegiul National Radu Negru Fagaras, se implica in acest proiect cu multa seriozitate si daruire alaturi de scolile partenere: 1.IES VALLE DE ALLER (SPANIA), 2. SAMANDIRA TEKNIK VE ENDÜSTRI MESLEK LISESI  (TURCIA), 3. VILNIUS RAJONO AVIZIENU VIDURINE MOYKLA (LITUANIA) 4. ROSS TENSA GYMNASIUM (SUEDIA),  intrucat proiectul reprezinta un considerabil ajutor in consolidarea invatarii limbii engleze si istoriei, in experimentarea lucrului in echipa si in cunoasterea altor culturi si mentalitati, atat pentru elevi, cat si pentru profesori.
Obiectivele reuniunii de proiect din Turcia, desfasurata in perioada 18-24 martie, 2013, intalnire la care au participat trei profesori si noua elevi ai institutiei noastre, au fost in conformitate cu obiectivele specifice ale proiectului, anume:
  1. explorarea modalitatile de predare si invatare a istoriei
  2. demonstrarea modului in care destinul istoric este diferit sau impartasit de scolile/tarile asociate si cum acesta afecteaza viziunea si identitatea culturala
  3. descoperirea modului in care cunoasterea zestrei culturale a fiecarei tari poate intari invatarea istoriei
  4. aflarea felului in care istoria ii poate ajuta pe elevi sa inteleaga lumea moderna, si felul cum aceasta intelegere influenteaza viitorul
  5. incurajarea comunicarii in limba engleza
  6. intarirea sentimentului cetateniei europene, promovarea tolerantei si respectului fata de alte culturi si tari
  7. promovarea si dezvoltarea continuturilor prin folosirea cunostintelor de informatica/tehnologie informatiei si comunicarii
            Mentionam ca activitatile din Turcia, 18- 24 martie, 2013 au fost precedate de o serie de activitati scolare integrate in curriculum - lectii europene de istorie si de limba engleza, de informatica, arte si de limba romana, de intalniri la Clubul Comenius si alte activitati extracurriculare, culminand cu organizarea unui eveniment special, anume o expozitie de desene, si picturi pe teme de cultura si civilizatie din trecutul si prezentul Turciei, insotita de prezentari si scenete, precum si de compuneri despre stilul de viata din tarile participante. Evenimentul, la care au fost invitati sa participe Primarul orasului nostru, domnul Sorin Manduc, autoritati locale, directorii institutiei, domnul Ion Bogdan si domnul Remus Mogos, precum si un numar impresionat de cadre didactice, a fost filmat in data de 4 martie, 2013, de catre cele doua televiziuni fagarasene.
            In perioada 18-24 martie, 2013 au avut loc in Istanbul, Turcia, SAMANDIRA TEKNIK VE ENDÜSTRI MESLEK LISESI, urmatoarele tipuri de activitati:
- organizarea de ateliere de lucru pe teme istorice
- prezentarile elevilor pe teme referitoare la afinitati si deosebiri culturale ale tarilor reprezetate in proiect
- lectii de limba natala a partenerilor predate elevilor turci
- evaluare intermediara a proiectului
- elaborarea unei prezentari Powerpoint a intalnirii
- vizite culturale care au inclus atractiile cele mai importante ale orasului Istanbul:     
Hagia Sophia, Moscheea Albastra (Sultanahmet Camii), Topkapi Seraglio, Grand Bazaar, Kadikoy Centre, Biserica Cisterna (Yerebatan Sarayi), muzee, parcuri, calatorie cu vaporul pe Stramtoarea Bosfor.
         Oras aflat la confluenta mai multor culturi, Istanbul, sau Constantinopol - fosta cetate crestina, capitala a Imperiului Bizantin, si-a lasat amprenta asupra istoriei universale. O serie intreaga de obiective turistice si monumente istorice au putut fi admirate de cei treizeci si unu de elevi si profesori din Suedia, Romania, Spania si Lituania, in calitate de participanti activi la acest parteneriat, prezenti la Istanbul in timpul celor cateva zile ale reuniunii, insotiti permanent de amabilele si placutele noastre gazde turce.
Delegatia romana a fost cea mai numeroasa, cei noua elevi romani fiind cazati in familii gazda. Elevii nostri s-au bucurat cel mai mult de atentia si ospitalitatea prietenilor turci, descoperind prin observatie directa si trairi profunde atat lucruri si obiceiuri comune cu acestia cat si elemente de traditie si civilizatie foarte diferite.
Concluzia noastra asupra reuniunii din Turcia este una pozitiva, anume ca Istanbul este un oras ce merita explorat si descoperit in toata splendoarea lui, care invata ca descoperirea respectului pentru ceea ce este diferit este esentiala in intelegerea altei culturi si civilizatii si care ne permite o analiza mai buna a propriei culturi. De aici si dimensiunea europeana a educatiei spre care tindem.

Mentionam ca proiectul este realizat cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene in cadrul Programului Sectorial Comenius al Programului de invatare pe tot parcursul vietii. Informatiile furnizate in acest material de diseminare reprezinta responsabilitatea exclusiva a echipei de proiect, iar A.N.P.C.D.E.F.P si Comisia Europeana nu sunt responsabile pentru modul in care este folosit continutul acestor informatii.
                                                                             Eugenia Bica
                                                                             Coordonator Proiect

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