Comenius Project 3rd Meeting (May 25 - 31, 2013)
Ross Tensta Gymnasium, Stockholm , Sweden
Ross Tensta Gymnasium, Stockholm , Sweden
To prepare for the amazing experience in Sweden teachers
and students in Colegiul National “Radu Negru”, Fagaras, performed the
following activities: virtual journeys, investigations about Sweden’s past and
present, research on the Swedish customs and traditions, presentations on topography
and climate in Sweden, historical and geographical documentation and a
We also created a short play on the social cultural
integration in the Swedish society of an adolescent, whose Romanian father
becomes more and more abusive, a play with references to specific Swedish
customs and traditions
( Feast of St. Lucia and Midsummer Day ).
We organized workshops on historical discoveries,
exhibitions of drawings and paintings about Sweden
and Stockholm, we had a history lesson on the
Swedish -Romanian relations, namely the 30 year war, and then on Nicolae
Ceausescu 's visit to Sweden.
The most beautiful end products were displayed in the school hallways, on
billboards and in the Comenius Corner.
All these activities were meant to promote the learning of new and useful knowledge related to Sweden and our continent, the encouraging lifelong sense of European citizenship and to promote tolerance and respect for other cultures and mentalities. We held meetings with parents and internet correspondence, discussing detailed knowledge of the excursion program.
In the resplendent capital of this Northern European country, the KPUP Comenius students and teachers gave some really interesting presentations on historical and social issues related to cultural affinities and differences between the countries represented in the project, aimed at encouraging a sense of European citizenship, tolerance and respect for other cultures and countries.
A working session was held to realise the interim
evaluation of the project by the five coordinators who concluded that exploring
ways of teaching and learning of history through workshops that prepared
students to read the map of the capital of Sweden, followed by their discovery
pedestrian trips and visits to the most important museums of the city, like the
Wassa Museum and by an audio - guided journey by boat. We were presented the Swedish
cuisine reflecting the refined tastes and culinary habits of the Swedes.
After visiting Sweden
we made an exhibition of photos, fragments of the students’ diaries, posters,
flyers, maps, articles, essays and photographs relating to activities in Stockholm, cultural
visits and everything we learned about the Swedish educational system. We also
reported this to the school council and staff and met with the parents of the
four students who visited Sweden,
who provided positive feedback. Some articles appeared in the local press and
on the school website, on the official blog on the College website there was
some radio news about it as well.
KPUP din Suedia, 25-31 mai, 2013, Ross Tensta Gymnasium, Stockholm
Pentru pregatirea vizitei in Suedia, in Colegiul National
“Radu Negru”, Fagaras, s-au desfasurat urmatoarele activitati: calatorie virtuala,
investigatii despre trecutul Suediei, cercetari despre traditiile si
obiceiurile suedezilor, prezentari ale reliefului si climei din Suedia,
documentari istorice si un chestionar, crearea unor prezentari PP despre
A avut loc si pregatitrea unei scenete pe tema cultural
sociala a integrarii tinerilor si adolescentilor in societatea suedeza, cu
trimiteri la traditiile si obiceiurile specific suedeza( Sarbatoarea Sf. Lucia
si Midsummer Day). S-au organizat ateliere de lucru pe tema descoperirilor istorice,
expozitii de desene si picturi despre Suedia si Stockholm. Lectii de istorie
referitoare la relatiile romano-suedeze - razboiul de 30 de ani, vizita lui
Nicolae Ceausescu in Suedia. Cele mai frumoase produse finale au fost afisate
pe holurile scolii, pe panouri si in Coltul Comenius.
S-a urmarit si evaluarea prezentarilor elevilor si
profesorilor pe teme istorice si sociale, referitoare la afinitati si deosebiri
culturale ale tarilor reprezetate in proiect si a diverse comparatii dintre
Romania si Suedia, incurajand mereu sentimentul cetateniei europene si
promovarea tolerantei si respectului fata de alte culturi si tari. Au avut loc
sedinte cu parintii elevilor si corespondenta internet pentru cunoasterea in
detaliu a programului excursiei in Suedia din 25-31 mai, 2013.
Prezentarile elevilor si profesorilor pe teme istorice si sociale,
referitoare la afinitati si deosebiri culturale ale tarilor reprezetate in
proiect au urmarit incurajarea sentimentului cetateniei europene si promovarea
tolerantei si respectului fata de alte culturi si tari. A avut loc sedinta de
lucru a coordonatorilor pentru evaluare intermediara a proiectului. Explorarea
modalitatilor de predare si invatare a istoriei s-a realizat prin ateliere de
lucru pentru identificarea unor obiective istorice pe harta capitalei Suediei,
urmate de excursii pedestre pentru descoperirea lor precum si vizite la muzeele
de istorie cele mai importante ale orasului, de asemenea la muzeul Wassa si
calatoria cu audio-ghid cu vaporul. In aceasta peroada am avut parte si de o
prezentare a gastronomiei suedeze, reflectand obiceiurile culinare ale
suedezilor. S-a urmarit si elaborarea unei prezentari in PP a intalnirii.
Dupa vizita in Suedia s-a alcatuit o expozitie cu
imagini, fragmente de jurnal, postere, pliante, harti, articole, eseuri si
fotografii referitoare la activitatile desfasurate in Stockholm, la vizitele
culturale si la tot ce am invatat despre sistemul educational suedez. De
asemenea, am raportat despre acestea in consiliul profesoral si Directiunii
scolii, au avut loc sedinte cu parintii elevilor care au oferit un feedback
pozitiv. Au aparut articole in presa locala si pe site-ul liceului, stiri radio
despre aceasta experienta minunata.
Eugenia Bica
Coord. Proiect
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