miercuri, 29 ianuarie 2014

A Different Week

A Different Week

In October, 2013, when students from four countries arrived in our small town, I had a very special week... I met people from different cultural backgrounds and I was so happy I could talk with them. 

Another important thing is that I learnt a little more history and I saw places which I’d never seen. It was the first time when I had gone in Sighisoara, a little old city, and there I saw the famous Dracula's house, where Vlad Tepes was born. I visited the Bran Castle, where Vlad Dracul lived for some time, they say. I really was in high spirits because of the jokes we made and I also remembered and shared with the other students some things that had happened to me there before, when I had been there for the first time.

A special moment of this week was when I played in a 5 minute play with my team. I was so emotional and anxious but everything turned out well and I had the opportunity to see other short plays which were created and performed by the students from the other countries. We went on having fun even after the show because later there was a little Comenius party at a restaurant nearby and it was so amazing. We listened to good music and we danced on different songs, specific to each country represented in our project.

I was so sad on the last day of the Comenius week, because it was the end of some really great time but I took a lot of photos and now when I want to remember those special moments I simply take some minutes off to just look at them and ponder.

O saptamana diferita

      In octombrie, cand au venit elevi din patru tari, a fost o saptamana speciala pentru mine. Am intalnit persoane de culturi diferite si am fost fericita pentru ca am putut vorbi cu cativa dintre ei.
      Unul  din lucrurile importante este ca in acea saptamana am invatat istorie si am vazut locuri pe care niciodata nu le-am mai vazut. Am fost pentru prima oara in Sighisoara, un oras mic si vechi, unde am vazut faimoasa casa a lui Vlad Tepes, dar in alte tari este cunoscut ca si Dracula. In alta zi am fost la castelul Bran, unde a trait mult timp Vlad Tepes,  si am fost foarte fericita pentru ca mi-am amintit de prima data cand am fost acolo.
       Un alt moment special din acea saptamana a fost atunci cand am jucat intr-o sceneta de teatru alaturi de colegii mei. Am avut multe emotii dar pana la urma totul a iesit bine si am avut ocazia sa vad si scenetele elevilor straini, iar distractia a continuat la petrecerea organizata dupa scenete. Am ascultat muzica buna si am dansat pe diferite melodii din fiecare tara din proiect.
      Am fost suparata in ultima zi deoarece era sfarsitul acelei saptamani dar  am facut multe fotografii si cand vreau sa-mi amintesc de acele momente ma uit  la ele.

                                                            Elena Pepelea
                                                            XI B, CNRN

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