7-13 October
That week was awesome, I met people who
were very kind and I visited some beautiful places here.
Firstly, I would say that everything was
very well organized. From the simple lunch to the trips we made. We all knew where, when
and how much time we would stay.
Secondly, the places where we went were
very well chosen, reflecting our culture, our most specific outlook and our mentality. Our guests were very excited, they were
looking at every single thing with interest, for example, when we visited the "Astra" Museum
in Sibiu; they were overwhelmed by the Romanian originality of the peasant wooden houses and I think they could imagine how our villages were like in the past, how and why they were built so. They could also see the reason they are now displayed in the open museum.
I would say that I had a
blast time that whole week, dedicating myself to our guests from Sweden, Turkey, Spain and Lithuania. I met so many new people, I made so many friends and could say
that the week 7-13 October made my year.
7-13 Octombrie 2013
Aceasta saptamana a fost extraordinara, am intalnit oameni
foarte prietenosi si am vizitat niste locuri extraordinare.
In primul rand as vrea sa spun ca totul in aceasta saptamana a fost foarte
bine organizat : de la simpla masa la calatorii. Toti am stiut unde, cand vom
merge si cat timp vom sta.
In al doilea rand , locurile pe care
le-am vizitat au fost foarte bine alese, ele aratandu-le strainilor exact
cultura noastra si unele din cele mai frumoase locuri. In aceste locuri
oaspetii nostri au fost incantati de tot, ei privind cu interes, un exemplu ar
fi momentul in care am vizitat Muzeul Astra, cand acestia erau foarte incantati
sa vada acele case ,care odata se gaseau in sate.
In conzluzie, as spune ca m-am simtit
minunat in acea saptamana, am intalnit atatia oameni, mi-am facut atatia
prieteni si as putea sa spun ca in aceasta saptamna m-am simtit cel mai bine
din tot anul.
Maria Fatu
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