vineri, 24 ianuarie 2014

One of The Most Important Things in My Life

                                One of The Most Important Things in My Life

            In my opinion this Comenius Project “Knowing the Past to Understand the Present” is one of the most important things in my life.
            In this project I’ve learned new things about other countries, about their traditions and culture. It’s a special opportunity which has offered me and my schoolmates. We’ve already done trips in Turkey and in Sweden. Like you may know between 7thand 13th October we organised the trip in Romania; about one week our visitors stayed in Sambata de Sus Resort. The Turkish students stayed in our host families, as we had stayed in their house during our visit in Turkey.
            During this week in Romania I saw that everybody was enthusiastic and had a very good perspective about our country. Some of them said that they would surely come back in Romania when it appear the occasion. We’ve done trip to Brasov, Bran Castel, Sibiu, Shadow Balea, Fortes of Rasnov and Sighisoara. 

                                              Unul din cele mai importante lucruri din viata mea

           Proiectul Comenius “Cunoaste trecutul pentru a intelege prezentul” este unul din cele mai importante lucruri din viata mea.
           In acest proiect am invatat lucruri noi despre alte tari, despre traditiille si cultura lor. Este o oportunitate speciala care mi s-a oferit mie si colegilor mei. Pana acum au fost realizate calatoriile in Turcia si Suedia.  Cum poate stiti deja intre 7 si 13 octombrie a avut loc si excursia in Romania; timp de o saptamana vizitatorii nostril au stat la Complexul Sambata de Sus. Studentii turci au stat la familiile gazda, asa cum si noi am stat la ei in familie pe durata vizitei noastre in Turcia.
         Pe durata acestei saptamani am vazut ca toata lumea era enutziasmata si aveau o perspectiva foarte buna despre tara noastra. Unii dintre ei au spus ca se vor intoarce  cu siguranta in Romania cand li se va oferi ocazia. Am facut deplasari la Brasov, la Castelul Bran, la Sibiu, la Cascada Balea, la cetatea Rasnov si la Sighisoara.


       Ioana Cînduleț
 clasa a XI-a  B Colegiul Național
“Radu Negru” Făgăraș

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