About KPUP
I think that this project is very interesting and by it I can learn a lot; it teaches us to communicate with others in English. We have met with other students from other countries and we have spoken with them in English. We have had the chance to know other types of people, it is so interesting!
We are learning to speak English better, we are learning more practical things, in this way, too.
Although I wasn't involved in all the Comenius activities and I wasn't I won't be travelling to any of the countries of this European partnership, I feel good about this project and I have a very good opinion about those students who came here in October, 2013. Sometimes I speak with them on Facebook.
Those countries are very beautiful and I like the people who live there. I wish I could go and visit them sometime in the future.
My friends in my class are happy because the are traveling, I am happy too, because I am proud of my school, of my English teacher and of my colleagues.
Impresiile mele despre KPUP
Eu cred ca acest proiect este foarte interesant si ne invata sa comunicam in engleza.
Ne intalnim cu alti elevi din alte tari si avem sansa sa cunoastem alte tipuri de oameni, este foarte interesant! Invatam sa vorbim engleza mai bine, cred. si invatam si lucruri practice.
Desi nu am fost in toate activitatiile, in nici o excursie, mi-am facut o parere foarte buna despre acesti elevi implicati in proiect, despre cei care au venit aici in octombrie 2013 si vorbesc uneori cu ei pe Facebook.
Aceste tari din parteneriat sunt foarte frumoase si imi plac, as vrea sa pot merge si acolo in viitor.
Prietenii mei din clasa sunt foarte fericiti deoarece calatoresc. Dar si eu sunt fericita, sunt mandra de scoala mea, de profesoara mea de engleza si de colegii mei!
Alexandra Naica,
Foarte frumos :)