vineri, 24 ianuarie 2014

One of the Most Useful Experiences


        Like all the participants in the KPUP Comenius project, I believe the experience of October 2013 in Romania was a great one. I believe it is also one of the most useful experiences in my life which helped me to improve my English and not only. Even though I was not directly involved (I will not participate in any mobility), this experience helped me in many ways. The information we got from the participant countries is not available on the internet or in books; you can discover their mentality and behavior only communicating directly with them.                                                          
    I’m sure our guests had a wonderful time in our company and our country surprised  them. Unfortunately, their initial opinion was not a very good one, but surely this meeting made them change their mind, perhaps they can now appreciate our culture and our people in a more positive way. If I had the chance I’d like to repeat this experience, I will always have something to learn from such school projects.

                            Vizitele Comenius

La fel ca pentru toti participantii  din proiectul Comenius, aceasta experienta a fost una din cele mai folositoare, care m-a ajutat sa imi imbunatatesc cunostiintele la limba engleza. Chiar daca nu am fost implicat in mod direct si nu voi participa in mobilitati, aceasta experienta m-a ajutat in multe privinte. Informatia care am primit-o de la elevii participanti din celelalte tari nu o putem gasi pe internet sau in carti, poti descoperi comportamentul lor doar comunicand direct cu ei. Sunt sigur ca oaspetii nostrii s-au simtit minunat in compania noastra iar tara noastra i-a uimit. Din nefericire, opinia lor initiala nu era una foarte buna dar sigur aceasta experienta i-a facut sa aprecieze cultura si oamenii din tara noastra

                                       Sergiu Sovaila
                                           XI  B CNRN

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