The Meeting in Romania - Very Well Organised
opinion about the project is very good. The meeting in Romania
(October, 2013) was very well organized, and everybody had so much fun. I had
the chance to meet new and very nice people, I had many wonderful moments with
them. I can say that I learnt many interesting things about the Turkish
traditions and their lifestyle, but I also learnt something special about the
other participants.
believe the Turkish students had a nice time in our families and discovered our
way of life and our traditions, which were very interesting for them. I am very
glad that I have been a part of this project which has helped me a lot to
improve my English and learn so much about the history, the religion and the
literature of other countries.
Am o parere foarte
buna despre acest proiect. Intalnirea a fost foarte bine organizata si toata
lumea s-a distrat. Am avut sansa sa intalnesc oameni noi si foarte de treaba cu
care am avut momente de neuitat. Pot sa spun ca am invatat multe lucruri
interesante despre traditiile din Turcia si stilul lor de viata, dar am invatat
cate ceva si din celelalte traditii.
ca elevii au fost foarte bine cazati la familii si au descoperit traditile
noastre, care au fost interesante pentru ei. Sunt foarte bucuros ca iau
parte la acest proiect care m-a ajutat sa imi imbunatatesc engleza si sa
invat multe lucruri despre istoria religia si literatura altor tari.
Catalin Ivascu
clasa a XI-a B Colegiul Național
“Radu Negru” Făgăraș
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