They Came, They Saw, They Conquered Our
For me the week 7-13 October was a wonderful
experience. All the field trips we made were to fun and
interesting places. It was a pleasure for me to meet so many new people from other countries.
They were very well behaved and funny people, they liked the places
which we visited a lot. I myself hadn’t seen some of the sites we visited so I
was very intrigued and curious most of times.
There were two activities
which I particularly enjoyed. First, the night we all went dancing we ate good
food and had lots of fun. Our visitors were very excited, they learnt our
dances very quickly and they would have danced all night long. Second, the artistic moment of the play contest inside the hall of the Fagaras fortress. The students from every visiting country
presented a play and we presented four, one dedicated to each Comenius partner.
All plays were great and interesting, some were funny and others were breathtaking. There were lots of
applauses which made it a lot easier to perform.
I had a wonderful time and
I hope to see every one of our visitors again soon.
Catalin Nicula
Pentru mine a fost o experienta grozava si m-am distrat
de minune. Toate excursiile noastre au fost in locuri frumoase si interesantesi
m-am distrat intalnind multi oameni noi din alte tari. Acesti
oameni erau foarte interesanti, amuzanti si respectuosi, si s-au distrat in
locurile vizitate. A fost prima oara cand vedeam unele din locurile pe care
le-am vizitat, prin urmare am fost foarte curios si captivat pe durata
Dintre multitudinea de activitati la care am luat parte,
au fost doua care mi-au placut in mod special. Una dinte acestea o reprezinta
seara cand impreuna cu vizitatorii nostrii am mers la restaurantul Laguna
Albastra unde am dansat pana la epuizare si am gustat diferite macaruri
delicioase. Oaspetii nostrii s-au bucurat foarte tare de aceasta seara, au
invatat dansurile romanesti rapid si ar fi putut dansa toata noaptea. Al doilea
moment ar fi ziua cand in Crama Cetatii Fagarasului am vizionat piese de
teatru. Fiecare tara vizitatoare a trebuit sa prezinte o piesa de teatru iar
noi patru, una pentru fiecare dintre cele patru tari straine din proiect. Toate
scenetele au fost frumoase si interesante, unele erau amuzante altele
incredibil de captivante desi nu se bazau pe comedie. Publicul a fost foarte
prietenos, atatandu-si multumirea si politetea prin aplaudarea fiecarei piese
de teatru.
A fost o experienta nemaipomenita si sper sa ii revad pe
oaspetii nostri cat mai curand.
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