vineri, 24 ianuarie 2014

I Learnt about Their Traditions and Culture

About the KPUP Comenius Week

For me the Comenius week in Romania (7-13 October 2013) was a special one because I met people from other countries and I made new friends. I learned about their traditions and culture  and the way they live. At school we did various interesting activities which helped us to know each other better to initiate real face to face communication and we found what we have in common and what is different in our countries and schools. I also made new friends. 
 I am glad to say that by this project I have learned more English and I have found more about the customs and religions of other peoples and other countries.

Pentru mine saptamana Comenius in Romania a fost speciala pentru ca am intalnit si m-am imprietenit cu oameni din alte tari. Am invatat despre obiceiurile oamenilor cu alta religie din alte tari. In saptamana Comenius, la scoala au fost multe activitati interesante care ne-au facut sa ne cunoasteam mai bine si am aflat ce am avut in comun si diferentele din tarile si scolile noastre. Am intalnit oameni din alte tari si mi-am facut noi prieteni. 
Sunt bucuros sa spun ca prin acest proiect am invatat mai multa engleza si am aflat mai multe despre obiceiurile si traditile oamenilor din alte tari.

                                                                                                                         Dragos Draghiciu                                                                                                                                    XI  B CNRN

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