Many people believe that the easiest way to learn a new
language is to learn the words, I think the best is to practice, for example
talking to other people who don’t know your native language. The week when all
students involved in the Comenius project came in Romania was extremely helpful
to me and to all my colleagues.
On the trips we made, the foreign students were highly
impressed by the landscape of our country and the history they discovered in
each place. The day when the presentation of the plays took place held us
together and the poster contest were a chance for us to communicate and get to
know each other better, we could laugh and make jokes together. During the
contest there weren’t any tensions and although we were rivals everyone was
able to understand the others and we had fun together. That evening we went to
the party where all students felt great, although I am sure they were tired, I
think they would have danced all night long, if they had been given the chance.
In our group there were teenagers from different ethnic
backgrounds and different religions but this wasn’t an impediment for us to
make friends. This experience was useful for me both spiritually and
educationally. I learned that no matter what country we come from, we are all
the same, we have the same dreams, we have fun and can talk about common
topics. I improved my communication skills but I also learned not to be shy in
public. I believe would repeat this experience anytime I would have the chance.
I hope our guests were as excited as we were, and when they get the chance to
return to Romania, they will meet us again and they will be impressed by other wonderful
things we’ll do together.
Extrem de utila atat pentru mine cat si pentru colegii mei
Multi oameni
sunt de parere ca cea mai usoara modalitate de a invata o limba straina este
invatand cuvintele, dupa parerea mea cel mai bine este practic, nu teoretic, de
exemplu vorbind cu persoane care nu iti cunosc limba natala. Saptamana
in care toti elevii implicati in proiect au venit in Romania a fost extrem de
utila atat pentru mine cat si pentru colegii mei.
In excursile facute, elevii straini au fost foarte
impresionati de peisajele tarii noastre si de informatile istorice pe care
le-au descoperit in fiecare loc vizitat. Ziua in care au avut loc prezentarile
pieselor de teatru ne-a unit, iar concursul de postere a fost o sansa pentru
noi sa comunicam si sa ne cunoastem mai bine, am putut rade si glumi impreuna. In timpul concursurilor nu au existat
tensiuni intre noi cu toate ca eram rivali, toata lumea s-a inteles cu ceilalti
si ne-am distrat impreuna. Cand s-a inserat am mers la o petrecere unde toti
elevi s-au simtit minunat, cu toate ca erau obositi, sunt de parere ca ar fi
dansat toata noaptea daca ar fi avut ocazia.
In grupul
nostru erau adolescenti de diferite etnii si religii, dar asta nu a fost un
impediment pentru noi sa devenim prieteni. Aceasta experienta a fost
folositoare pentru mine atat spiritual cat si educational. Am invatat ca nu conteaza
din ce tara provi, toti suntem la fel, avem aceleasi vise, ne distram si avem
aceleasi subiecte de discutie. Mi-am imbunatatit abilitatile de comunicare si
in acelasi timp am invatat sa nu mai fiu atat de timida. As repeta aceasta
experienta oricand as avea ocazia. Imi doresc ca musafirii nostri au fost la
fel de entuziasti ca noi si ca se vor intoarce in Romania oricand vor avea
ocazia, sa ne intalneasca din nou si sa ramana impresionati de alte momente pe
care le vom petrece impreuna.
Emilia Greavu
clasa a XI-a B Colegiul Național
“Radu Negru” Făgăraș
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